Luckily this toolkit provides some API and documentation. I tried the command line support but failed (maybe I was too stupid). However, acquiring thousands of texture assets from 2000+ isolated files is not an easy job. It did a great job extracting resources I needed graphically. Then I turned to a tool called Unity Assets Bundle Extractor. Since resource extraction has not been implemented at this moment, Disunity couldn’t be my choice. Disunity has been refactored, and remaining work is still in progress (at least the moment I write this article). I thought I could extract assets I needed with existing tools (e.g. DISCLAIMER: I will not tell you details about encryption. Original assets were encrypted with known algorithm and key.I accepted the challenge, but things were far more complicated than I expected. Someone asked me if I could extract some images from a popular Chinese mobile game. Posted at Comments Learn something Project. Deep dive into UnityFS: structure and implementation